Meerkat Stats

I Built Another Thing

3 Logo possibilities... Decided to go with 1 & 2... 3 might make a return as search becomes more important.

3 Logo possibilities... Decided to go with 1 & 2... 3 might make a return as search becomes more important.

If you're reading this... It's probably because you've heard me mention this site relentlessly on Meerkat.  As a data geek who now loves talking to the internet, I wanted to know who I was talking to.  Who was talking back?  Who was worth making connections with?  These and other questions are easily answered by some well structured data. 

I built, and of course, I submitted it to Product Hunt.

What You Get

The first thing you're greeted with is the alt logo and the leaderboard. The leaderboard is key for discovery. If you don't broadcast, and don't know who to search for, now you have people to check out.

Currently, a broadcaster gets:

  • A sortable broadcast history 
  • Your most active watchers
  • People who have commented on, liked and restreamed.

 In the future, there will be more advanced statistics around day/date, drilldowns on broadcasts, and more around the content of comments.


Big thanks to those who've advised, encouraged and even lent a hand in the crafting of this site.