I built ANOTHER thing!
I've been super busy and haven't written one of these in a while... But I'm back to the Product Hunt API, with the help of an awesome team.
So what is PHan Finder?
Let's break it down:
- PHan (pronounced fan) is a way of saying your fans on Product Hunt. Those who upvote the things you hunt and make the most often. Your groopies if you will.
- Finder = a search mechanism. This site allows you to find not only your PHans but anyone's!
Who made this thing?
Mr. Countersmash & I sporting our different Product Hunt swag... Cordogg took this awesome pic.
This was made over the course of 24 hours by myself, Mike Coutermarsh (CounterSmash) and Corley Hughes (CorDogg). If you recognize their names... it's because they work at Product Hunt (the best website on the internet).
Why not?
But actually, this is our submission for the first ever Maker Hunt MakerThon! A distributed hackathon.
It was actually a pivot from something we spent the first entire day on (which I think is still a fantastic idea, but was taking too long and becoming too complex for the timeframe).
This is simply more fun... Who doesn't want to know who their Noopies (Needles Groupies) or Coopies (Coutermarsh Groopies) are?
There are legitimate use cases too! What if you want to seed a beta to people who supported you from the beginning? What if you want to get honest feedback? What if you want to brainstorm with your supporters. They're all related and all super important things to do in the process of product development.
I had a lot of fun building this, with these people and learning all kinds of new things. I was disconnected from the work I usually do (backend) and was truly collaborative. Git & all! This was definitely a different experience, improved some less used skills while picking up a few along the way.
If you want to read another take on the whole weekend project, read Cordogg's medium post!
And if you like it, maybe throw it an upvote on Product Hunt? Become even more of a Noopie, Coopie & Hoopie.